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Orange peel grab HMG.25 SMAG

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Name Orange peel grab HMG.25 SMAG
Артикул для отображения на сайте HMG.25
Section Multi-jaw grabs
Объем 400 - 800 l
  • Delivery options are discussed individually at the time of order


  • Payment terms are discussed individually when ordering


Technical characteristics:

Model characteristics
Weight of the carrier (excavator), t Volumen, l Number of shells
12 - 22 400 - 800 4 / 5
1 2 3 4
shockproof protective bracket protective cover; available in 3 different versions [1] welded traverse structure; material - steel S355 the shell design is resistant to torsion; material - steel HARDOX
5 6 7  
shell-tips made of wear-resistant austenitic-manganese steel hydraulic cylinder with oil damping; The piston rod is equipped with a protective cover The rotator is resistant to high axial load and torque; equipped with HP valves to control cylinders and rotation


Design of grab shells
Schrott/scrap Recycling  Pig iron
[1] Variations of protective covers
Welded casing Screw connection housing Protective plate


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